The NSMFC promotes excellence in local government finance by supporting financial management capacity-building in municipalities. Our staff can work with your municipality to provide research and policy-drafting support on issues related to financial management. Contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., CEO, for more information.
Interested in reviewing and updating the financial management policies of your municipality? NSMFC can help. Please refer to our Best Practices for more information.
GFOA - The Corporation sponsors a financial professional working in municipal government in Nova Scotia to attend the annual Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) Conference. This international conference is dedicated to the development of financial excellence in local government. Sponsorship generally covers most of the cost of attending the conference depending on the conference location.
NFSM and AMA - The NSMFC provides sponsorships for the annual conferences of the Nova Scotia Federation of Municipalities (NSFM) and Association of Municipal Administrators, NS (AMA). This funding supports workshops and presentations for municipal finance officers.